• Terra Scott Terra Scott, a former Head Start parent and our Human Resource Director, has been with 4C since 2003.  She began as the Administrative Assistant, then took on the job of Transportation Coordinator before assuming the Human Resource position. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management and a Associate's Degree in Human Resource Management.  She is in charge of everything regarding personnel matters:  screening applications and helping to interview applicants, orientation of new employees, making sure that our agency's employee policies are in compliance with the Head Start Program Performance Standards, Federal and State employment law, maintaining confidentiality and all employee files. She manages employee benefits, handles grievances and workers' compensation claims and works with the Finance Director and Executive Director on the division of duties necessary on fiscal matters.  She prepares reports for both the Board of Directors and the Personnel Committee of our parent Policy Council.  She also serves as the safety officer of the organization. When asked what her favorite quote is, she replied, "I really like what Mike Ditka said: Success isn't permanent and failure isn't fatal." Anyone who is interested in becoming a 4C employee should contact Terra.  
    Terra's contact information is:  Phone:  254-778-0489  Ext. 117
                                                        FAX:     254-778-4655
                                                        email:   terra.scott@ct4c.org