    Head Start programs are required to assess their communities' needs and strengths every three years, updating annually.  The date of our last assessment was July 2021.  Any information that you would like to share about your community--Temple, Belton, Harker Heights,Troy, or Killeen--you can send to 4c@ct4c.org  We would love to hear from you.
    4C is fortunate to have incredible partners who help us provide services to our children and families.  Temple ISD and the Temple/Belton Housing consortuim have helped provide facilities for our Head Start programs. Troy ISD donates land for our classroom buildings as does the city of Harker Heights and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Texas.. There are so many agencies and groups that help us, if we listed them all, you would have to scroll down forever to read them! We have over one hundred agreements with agencies such as cities (a special "shout out" to the City of Killeen for years of financial support and to the City of Harker Heights for making us feel so welcome),  businesses, churches, schools, hospitals, professionals, colleges, universities, organizations, the United Way of Central Texas, the United Way of the Greater Fort Hood Area and individuals who all contribute to our mission:  "We are committed to building stronger Central Texas communities, one child and family at a time."
    Thank you, Central Texas!  We wouldn't want to be anywhere else. 
    United Way of Central Texas   Killeen Logo TISD Housing Belton Harker Heights Temple College Troy ISD ECI DHHS HS Blocks HH CofC